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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

MEDIEVAL jurisprudence: prin-funded project “THE CHALLENGE OF INTERLEGALITY: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON LAW” coordinated by SANT’ANNA school professor GIANLUIGI PALOMBELLA to hold a seminar on 10 february 2020 in florence

Publication date: 10.02.2020
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The 2017 PRIN-funded project “The Challenge of Interlegality: a new perspective on Law” in partnership with universities Università della Tuscia, LUISS “Guido Carli” and the Università Milano Bicocca is coordinated by Gianluigi Palombella, professor of Applied Legal Theory at Sant’Anna School. Partners are organizing a seminar on February 10 in Florence Villa Ruspoli, piazza Indipendenza 9,  10.00 am, with a focus on “Interlegalità e pluralità di ordinamenti. L’esperienza giuridica medioevale – Interlegality and Legal Pluralism. The Role of Medieval Jurisprudence”.

The research project The Challenge of Interlegality aims to produce new operational concepts and models for analyzing and discussing the challenges of transnational law and legal pluralism from interdisciplinary, theoretical and dialogical perspectives. The project proposes a new framework for conceptualizing legal pluralism through state, regional, transnational and functional laws interaction.

This seminar gives an opportunity to discuss further steps to be taken towards an inter-legality approach in investigating the medieval legal system (fully examined in “L’ordine giuridico medioevale” by Paolo Grossi) as the origin of the modern concept of legal order.

Seminar participants will include professors Gianluigi Palombella (Sant’Anna School), Massimo Meccarelli (University of Macerata), Raffaele Volante (University of Padova), Alberto Spinosa (University of Tuscia).